Attendance & Medical
Absence Due to Illness
Absence line 01787 280143
Please contact the school if your child is too ill to attend school; we have a system in place whereby if we have not heard why a child is not in school by 9.30am we will contact the parent to check that the child is with them. We will endeavour to make contact with the main contact on our list, however if we are unable to reach them we will work through our whole list of contacts until we are able to reach someone.
When your child returns to school it is necessary to send with him/her a letter stating the reason for his/her absence. It is necessary that the class teacher be given written notice if the child has an ailment that requires them to miss lessons eg PE.
If your child has diarrhoea or sickness we ask that you keep them at home until they have eaten and not suffered any more bouts of diarrhoea or sickness.
Please read the Guidance on Infection Control in School Poster which is in the attachments section.
Leave of Absence
In line with Government legislation, holidays taken during school time are considered an unauthorised absence unless there is proven extenuating circumstances. 10 unauthorised sessions in a 10 week period will be passed to the Education Welfare Officer and a Penalty fine will be issued.
Please read our Attendance Policy for more information (in the attachments section on this page).
Managing Medical Needs
Glemsford Primary Academy is an inclusive community that aims to support and welcome pupils with medical conditions. We aim to provide all pupils with all medical conditions the same opportunities as others at school.
We will help to ensure that pupils with medical conditions can:
▪ be healthy
▪ stay safe
▪ enjoy and achieve
▪ make a positive contribution
▪ achieve economic well-being.
Please read the Medical Care Plan Policy, in the attachments section, for further information.
Attendance Policy
Request for Pupil Leave of Absence
Guidance on Infection Control in School
Medical Care Plans Policy
USP School Attendance Policy - Parent Summary